Sunday, March 30, 2014

Intro to Myself

So, I guess this could have been my first post but I didn't really think about it. I decided to start this blog because of my love for Sherrilyn Kenyon's books. I've noticed several things in her books that make me think too much. If I don't write it down I think my head may explode, and my husband is tired of listening to me talk about things that he knows nothing about. I am eager to talk to anyone about any of the Dark-Hunter books or CON. Even the Belador series, though there isn't much in them that I don't understand. Its still nice to talk about where we would like to see the story go.

I got my first Kenyon novel out of a $5 bin at Wal-Mart and have been hooked ever since. I never miss a release, and always have the new book the day it comes out. I am beginning to notice how she is bringing all the different stories together into one cohesive plot. While I am anxious for certain characters stories (Savitar) I understand why we have to have other stories first. Can't wait for Son of No One this fall and to see if the story will go where I think that it will.

I encourage anyone who reads this to share their thoughts as well, maybe we can get a good dialogue going and use each other to figure things out and if we are right or wrong in what we think.


  1. Hello! =)

    I, too, have become a major SK fan, though my addiction is probably more recent--I began reading her books on Kindle when Amazon had most of the Dark-Hunter books on sale last August, just before Styxx's book was released. And I was immediately hooked. When I found out that my son (who is 17) was reading the Chronicles of Nick, I started reading that series as well, so that we could discuss what was going on. (As soon as I get his tablet set up, he'll be reading the Dark-Hunter series.)

    I would love to discuss (and speculate on) both series, so I'll be sharing some observations and thoughts of my own here, soon. =)

    (And incidentally, Charlie is short for Charlotte)

  2. I am glad to have found a fellow Menyon to share my thoughts with. It works out so much better when you can bounce ideas off others. I have been reading these books since about 2009 and on every read through I find something new that I missed before.

    1. I thoroughly agree about bouncing ideas off of others, and I also manage to catch something new every time I read the books--and to me, that is sheer genius on SK's part, in that seemingly tiny details have a huge impact later in the series. And I do love to speculate! =)
